2012: Integration of migrants and their descendants: housing and employment
Integration of migrants and their descendants: housing and employment, March 13th 2012
Télécharger le programme
Mardi 13 mars
9h15 - 9h30 : Accueil des participants
9h30 - 10h00 : Dominique Meurs (Univ. Paris 10 et Ined) : Intégration des immigrés et et de leurs descendants en France
10h00 - 10h50 : Yann Algan, Thierry Mayer (Sciences Po et CEPII), Mathias Thoenig : The Economic Incentives of Cultural Transmission: Spatial Evidence from Naming Patterns across France
Discutant : Laurent Gobillon (Ined et PSE)
10h50 - 11h10 : Pause
11h10 - 12h00 : Benoit Schmutz (Univ. Paris 11), Pierre-Philippe Combes, Bruno Decreuse, Alain Trannoy : The Neighbor is king. Customer discrimination in the housing market
Discutant : Sébastien Roux (Dares et Crest)
12h00 - 12h50 : Amine Ouazad, Romain Ranciere (PSE) : The Effect of Credit Standards on Urban and School Segregation
Discutant : Maxime Tô (Crest - Science Po)
12h50 - 14h00 : Déjeuner et café
14h00 - 14h50 : Roland Rathelot (Crest), Romain Aeberhardt, Elise Coudin : The heterogeneity of ethnic unexplained employment gaps
Discutante : Ariane Pailhé (Ined)
14h50 - 15h40 : Matthieu Solignac (Ined et Univ. Paris 1), Maxime Tô : Location and Labour Market Integration of African Immigrants' Children in France
Discutante : Morgane Laouenan (Sciences Po)
15h40-16h00 : Pause
16h00 - 16h50 : Aziz Belhassani (Ined et Univ. Paris 10) : Immigrant Earnings Assimilation in France: Evidence from a Pseudo-Cohort Approach
Discutant : Romain Aeberhardt (Dares et Crest)
16h50 - 17h40 : Marie-Anne Valfort (Univ. Paris 1), Claire Adida, David Laitin : "One Muslim is enough!" Evidence from a field experiment in France
Discutant : Patrick Simon (Ined)
Les communications se feront en français
Présentation D. Meurs [PDF | 325.2 K.o.]
Adiday Laitinz Valfortx [PDF | 379.1 K.o.]
Combes Decreuse Schmutz Trannoy [PDF | 713.7 K.o.]
Aeberhardt Coudink Rathelot [PDF | 711.8 K.o.]
Algany Mayerz Thoenig [PDF | 472.4 K.o.]
Belhassaini [PDF | 273.6 K.o.]
Ouazady Rancièrez [PDF | 687.6 K.o.]
Solignac Tô [PDF | 5.8 M.o.]